Frequently asked questions

Page last edited 414 days ago
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ShoutWiki's frequently asked questions (FAQ) is meant to document common questions that new users may have about ShoutWiki. If you think that something's missing, feel free to add it!

What is ShoutWiki?[edit | edit source]

ShoutWiki provides free hosting for your wiki. A wiki is a collection of web pages that everyone can modify. However, your wiki doesn't necessarily need to be open for everyone! See wiki types for more info.

How do I create a new wiki?[edit | edit source]

Go to Special:CreateWiki and fill in the form. Your browser must support JavaScript for you to use the form. If you need any help with filling it, please see Help:Creating a new wiki.

What languages are supported by ShoutWiki?[edit | edit source]

The MediaWiki software that we use for our sites supports over 300 different languages, from all the major world languages to the smaller ones. Our staff are able to serve you in English, German, Finnish, Polish and Spanish.

Can I have ads removed from my wiki?[edit | edit source]

If you do not wish to have ads displayed on your wiki, you could sign up for the ad-free hosting plan. This, unlike the standard hosting plan, is not free, because ShoutWiki needs money to operate its sites. Ad removal from your wiki is not expensive, however. For more details on switching your wiki to the ad-free hosting plan, send ShoutWiki staff a message about it to troppusmoc.ikiwtuohs (or use the "Contact us" link in the sidebar).

Can I have private wikis on ShoutWiki?[edit | edit source]

Yes! Private wikis, like all other ad-supported wikis, are free.

Can I have semi-private wikis on ShoutWiki?[edit | edit source]

Yes! For example, you can have a wiki where only certain users are able to edit but everyone is able to read. This is also completely free.

I want to become a member of ShoutWiki staff! Is that possible?[edit | edit source]

Please see ShoutWiki Hub:Jobs for any and all open job possibilities at ShoutWiki. To apply for a current job opening, send your résumé and other required info to sbojmoc.ikiwtuohs

My question is not answered on this page/on ShoutWiki's help pages[edit | edit source]

If you've got more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us! You can email us (troppusmoc.ikiwtuohs), catch the staff members on IRC (see Help:IRC and ShoutWiki Hub:IRC) or post question on our talk pages. We're here to help you, after all!